for European Cultural Entrepreneurs; a guide to creating a rural touring network in your European region
The RIOTE2 Handbook
For European Cultural Agencies & Entrepreneurs
In Hungary & Romania
A guide to creating a rural touring network in your European region
This handbook has been produced by Take Art for the RIOTE2 project. Working with two of our partners, Shoshin Theatre in Romania, and Control Studio Association in Hungary, it has specifically been written for people and cultural organisations who wish to create a rural touring model in their own regions.
You can download the full RIOTE2 Handbook here or each individual section by chapter.

Download the RIOTE 2 Handbook
- What is Rural Touring?
- Could it work in Europe?
- The England Rural Touring Experience
- Developing a Scheme Outside UK
- Setting Up & Running a Scheme
The Rural Touring Handbook has been produced as part of the RIOTE (Rural Inclusive Outdoor Theatre Education) project and has been designed to help support the development of sustainable rural touring within Europe.
It provides a background to the successful rural touring sector in England and will act as a useful practical guide for three of our RIOTE partners; Shoshin Theatre in Romania, Control and Utca- Szak in Hungary, to investigate the possibility of starting similar initiatives in their respective countries.
The Handbook offers advice and information to those who might wish to create a ‘pilot’ rural touring network in their area. It also includes tips on how to support volunteers in rural communities to promote professional touring shows and how to advise theatre companies on what to expect when performing in non-dedicated arts spaces.
Sarah Peterkin, Director Rural Touring Take Art, has been running the scheme in Somerset, UK since 1996. She has a wealth of experience in bridging the gap between artists, companies and volunteer promoters to bring some of the best touring work available to small rural communities.
Executive Director, Ralph Lister, has worked at Take Art since 1989. Ralph has safely steered the organisation to grow from a small rural touring scheme to a multi-faceted arts development organisation working locally, nationally and internationally.
The Handbook has been translated into Hungarian and Romanian. It starts with a useful Glossary of words common to rural touring in England and their definitions in an attempt to mitigate the possibility of some specific terminology being lost in translation.
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To download a full copy or relevant chapters please visit: our website or (UK)